Brochure BRIT

Piattaforma caratterizzazione

La piattaforma caratterizzazione è stata appositamente designata in modo da fornire ai ricercatori BRIT uno screening delle principali caratteristiche dei materiali cresciuti ed una eventuale analisi approfondita delle loro proprietà con tecniche spettroscopiche e strutturali d’avanguardia, alcune delle quali consentono mappature su scala nanometrica. La piattaforma vuole anche porsi come vero centro servizi per la caratterizzazione di materiali provenienti da laboratori esterni sia pubblici che privati.

Strumentazione e tecniche analitiche di caratterizzazione:

FT-IR Imaging System

PerkinElmer Frontier Spotlight 400 

The Spotlight 400 FT-IR Imaging System is designed with state-of-the-art technology to allow for intelligent automation and sophisticated analysis capabilities. The system incorporates a number of unique productivity tools and features an ATR imaging system that enables the collection of high resolution infrared images of extremely small samples to visualize the composition of materials based on FT-IR spectral data.


Thermo Scientific HAAKE MARS III

Parallel plate rheometer for rheology characterization of complex fluids. It allows to fully characterize the viscoelastic behavior of complex fluids like: thermoplastics, thermosets, polymer blends, adhesives, pastes etc.



NanoLog® Horiba

The NanoLog® spectrofluorometer is specifically designed for research in nanotechnology and the frontiers of nanomaterials. A complete spectrum can be scanned as fast as a few milliseconds, and a full excitation-emission matrix scan can be taken in as little as seconds.


Confocal Raman - AFM SNOM

Confocal Raman - AFM SNOM

Combines Raman, AFM, and SNOM imaging in a single instrument for the utmost flexibility and sophisticated sample characterization. By combining the imaging techniques, simultaneous Raman-AFM analysis, TERS, and nearfield-Raman (Raman-SNOM) imaging can be easily performed.